Annual Appeal

Supporting the Annual Appeal

To support the Annual Appeal, please select one of the following options. If you choose to make a pledge and pay later, you will be taken to our online pledge form.

At Canyon Heights Academy, the Annual Appeal is the yearly campaign that solicits the entire CHA community for unrestricted, tax-deductible gifts in support of our school. These donations constitute our Annual Fund, which enables our school to function on a daily basis and provides the essential funding we need for our operating and programming budget. Students, faculty, and staff alike all rely on the Annual Fund in order to continue the daily pursuit of their vocations.

As with most private Catholic schools in California, tuition alone does not cover the full cost of educating a child at Canyon Heights Academy. Our fall annual appeal campaign is essential because it bridges this gap between the cost of tuition and the full expense of educating a Canyon Heights student. In addition, Canyon Heights Academy is not subsidized by the Diocese of San Jose, the government or any other organization. We therefore depend on you, our generous benefactors and supporters, to help us to thrive as a school community and to reach our goals for the school year ahead.

Each year, your gift helps us to:

  • Support the daily operating needs of our school so that we can continue our mission of forming authentic, Catholic leaders in Silicon Valley
  • Invest in the highest quality resources and programs for our faculty, staff, students
  • Attract, hire, train, and retain the best teachers for your children
  • Make our high-quality education accessible to more families via tuition assistance

The benefit of our annual appeal is that, unlike tuition, your gift is tax-deductible. Gifts of appreciated stock, mutual funds, and other securities also offer significant tax advantages. Please contact the Business Office at for instructions and assistance.

May your generosity be blessed in abundance!